How to add Facebook to blogger

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How to add Facebook to blogger

·        Everyone wants to increase likes on Facebook Fan page if you have good traffics on your website or blogger so you can add like button in it. Bye showing good impression on Web or Blog.

Go to Facebook Developers

·        Visit Facebook developer’s website and choose like button of FAN Page.

Make like button

·        Make like button by providing your website or blog’s some important information.  

Provides URL link to developers

·        Developers are just required your website or blog URL and give you a HTML code for pasting you in your website for show your Facebook Fan Page like button. 

Style of button

·        Face book’s developers offer you a style of button for different place but you have to choose those style which will be suitable with your website theme.

Action type

·        Action Type is the biggest role of make Like Button and it works direct on your demand which you want by programming.

Size of button

·        Always choose custom size because it offer you to make size by your own side and can make size which your website or blog tells you about place for Add HTML code for showing Fan Page like button.

Get code HTML

·        After doing all things Facebook developers give you a code of HTML for Adding in your home page or where you want to add or show but use in HTML script or Java because in other programming language it will not work. 

Sign into blogger

·        Sign in your blogger and if you don’t have you can make free by choose Google Free Blog Service.

Lay out

·        Go to layout it tell show you what’s things are in your theme and what more things you can add by insert more gadget.

Add gadget

·        When you click on Add gadget this Programm will show a list of gadget but you have to choose HTML Script. And past Code in the HTML gadget.

Title Facebook

·        After pasting code you have to write Title for this You can “LIKE US”

Save changing

·        After doing or completing all the process click on SAVE Changing in the bottom of the page or theme or layout step.

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