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PayPal is the biggest online banking in the world most people choose PayPal who are earning from online Internet. It is contacted with your country bank account and also very easy to withdraw money from your own account and you can send money online to your family or friends. But Toady you will learn How to make a PayPal Payment link for your Product in your website or Email.

· is the official website and you have to visit and read all terms and condition according to make your own account and request for money all things related it read all and understand all.

Sign Up or Login

·        Sign up or Login if you already sign up so just clicks on the Login area and if you forget your password so you have to click on the forget password it will send you some verification code in to your mobile.

PayPal Your Profile

·        When you will login then you will see your login page and also look your profile picture below it you have click Profile me also you will get a link related your profile link for example you can send this link in every where all can send you money by click on this link.

Send and Request

·        Send this is a electronic button in your PayPal by its help you can send money to someone easily just typing his or him email ID which is contacted

   Request This is also electronic button of PayPal but it is used for request for taking money from someone it provide you some basic link you which you can add in your application or etc.

Payment Invoice

·        It you want to sale some product online so you have to need Payment Invoice where customer can buy something just clicking on payment button but don’t worry PayPal is the best part for creating online Payment Invoice just go to payment type and click on the payment on the Invoice. 

Copy your link

·        After creating online Payment Invoice PayPal provide you a link which is the HTML Code for just pasting the code where you want to past it will be pasted in HTML java Script. When you will have been past please check for taking test how it work and Is there any problem. 

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