Video ad have take time to make and it tells all about product or brand most popular companies make video ads and  contact with the popular Broadcasting TV channel ask them to play your ad on their TV and know  the all budget if you can have some Money from your budget.

One simple message

·        Video ad has a one simple message for the customer by some best actor or actress people just follow their style of everything when people see your product in their hand or brand they are using you will get big chance to promote your product or brand where you want to promote  

Write simple story

·        When you write a story it not only you will write the story for product and brand it is for all video Graphic Design what you will show and how you will show collect all the information and bring it together then explore some different role or dialog for production or direction.


·        Make a list for Character for and look for character for your video ad project making a video ad it just like Making Film you have to collect most talented boys and girls.

Use location

·        Specially most Director or producer are arrange set for shooting for video ad just don’t have ability for making set for it so don’t worry use Most Popular and beautiful place in your city or country it will also give you good feedback and look for customer or viewers.

Hire a team

·        For this production work if you cannot do alone so hire a team with low budget. When some people will work with you and it would be easy and work will end soon.

Team for Makeup

·        Team of makeup they will choose makeup for each one who will act in the video ad project.

Team for Dressing

·        Team of Dressing they will choose custom dressing for those people who will take part for video project.

Team for Camera Shoot

·        Team of Camera Shoot they shoot the persons who acting in this video project and they used their talent by advising on Director.

Team for Lighting

·        Team for lighting it will provide you lighting program if you have to shoot in night or day they have some tricks for control sunshine which cannot be effect to camera result.

Team for Mixing or Editing

·        Team for Mixing or Editing of the video your all work depends on the Editing or mixing team because they can Design Good or Bad.

After completing production

·        After completing production you can publish it on your all Social media account just like an ad and inform to customer for upcoming brand or product.

Contact with your broadcaster

·        If you budget for showing ad on TV so contact with your broadcaster and ask them about budget timing of the ad running on their land. Otherwise you can use your local Cable Network it allow you all facility but only in City.

[Note] This Article is written by our (BCMT) Best Content Management Team you will be able to see reference links and also can contact with our management team for future information about this article.