Add caption

·        Mostly Poster is used for telling people about your offer which is provided by your brand always choose good designed for poster which is looking simple and Graphic Design is the best way to attract people your side.

Choosing Color System

·        Choosing the these color which is suit able and new use dark background color and new low color text in the ads banner or flex because people just read the some words only those word which is be large and bold.

Sign and Message

·        Have you make sign for your flex or ad banner if you not so hurry up because it is used to attract people and never missed a chance to losing customer if you design a ad new ad is not suitable so you are working wrong side.

Use Dark Color

·        Always use dark color text for ad banner or flex only dark color will be read and new customer will read by just seeing in first time.

Use image

·        Don’t forget to use image for your related brand or program picture talk with the customer and also fact in their mind too take place in their heart.

Make equal Size

·        Font size should be equal for text  there are two type of ad banner or flex there no doubt head always take place for description and description’s text should be same for all ad banner or flex after doing this work ad banner or flex look like Graphic Designing

Keep short of text

·        Text should be short and never used to write too long stories or description because people will be boor about this ad banner or flex always try to provide text material short as soon as possible.

High light

·        High light the major or important things don’t let people boor about your ads banner or flex always try to high light good content or Picture of Model and good pixel Picture or Product or program

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